UNDER PRESSURE?... (sometimes self imposed!)
We can all feel the pressure from time to time, but it’s important to RECOGNISE it, and not allow it to become habitual.
Pressures can come from family, loved ones and work, or from comparing ourselves to others, from “perceived“ expectations... in other words, they can be triggered by others and also, by ourselves.
Being kind to ourselves is essential.
I didn’t write a blog last week. I didn’t record a vlog. I didn’t put up a single post; not even an offer of any kind.
This was the first occasion that I’ve omitted any kind of media activity for my business.
I recognise the importance of regular communication and the importance of offering value to anyone who might care to engage. In fact, I’ve made a point of posting every week since the conception of Amanda Rowe Hypno.
Last week was different. * My adult son had been pretty sick and was in and out of hospital (he’s on the mend now).
* I was due to be on a break with my partner for the first time in a year.
* I was intent on wrapping up some steps for our impending house move.
YET, I still found myself desperately looking for a window of time to write my blog, and berating myself for each day that passed without getting it done.
THEN I STOPPED... I recognised that it was ME placing the pressure on myself; My assumptions around what other people expect. My self imposed rules around what I MUST do. So, I decided to let it go...
I ensured my boy was safely home and recovering... we packed a case and left for a slightly delayed trip to Cornwall. We walked, laughed, ate too much, explored the county and drank wine. Quite a bit actually.
I did NOT write my blog. The sky did NOT fall in. The pressure was, of course, self imposed.
Stress is our bodies response to too much pressure. The side effects can be physical, emotional and/ or behavioural, including...
Headache, Anxiety, Overeating or under-eating, Muscle tension or pain, Restlessness, Angry outbursts, Chest pain, Lack of motivation or focus, Drug or alcohol misuse, Fatigue, Feeling overwhelmed, Tobacco use, Change in sex drive, Irritability or anger, Social withdrawal, Stomach upset, Sadness or depression, Exercising less
There is enough pressure placed on us by others.
Lets not add to it.
Have, dreams, set goals, drive your ambitions forward - YES!
But unnecessary pressure is a weight none of us need.
Recognise it, challenge it and manage it. If you think I can help, please get in touch. 😊