Less, Not More… the power in letting go
4) Limiting Beliefs

Well, we’ve just hit the mother load when we think about what we might want to let go of!
Limiting beliefs exist, to some degree, in all of us.
They are often unconscious thoughts, which serve to help us avoid pain, disappointment or failure. In other words they serve to “keep us safe”. Sounds sensible right??
Slight problem with that though… and here it is…
They’re just thoughts
Nothing more than thoughts
Passing thoughts that trigger a response
A response that helps us to FEEL safe (not actually BE safe)
“I’ll never get that job, there’s loads of people better than me”
“I’m going to spend my whole life alone, I’m unloveable”
“I’m so stupid, I’ll never get better at this”
“No-one cares what I think, I’ll probably say the wrong thing anyway”
Limiting beliefs can really impact how we go after our goals, how we perceive ourselves, and can also prevent us from creating and maintaining healthy boundaries, at work, at home, or socially .
With this in mind, let’s take a look at how we can start to let go of those limiting beliefs that are hurting us the most.
Step 1 👉 identify a limiting belief!
Sounds simple I guess , but, as these thoughts are subconscious we can often mistaken them for “the truth”. These beliefs can be founded via personal experience, through hereditary learnings, through fear of failure, or influences from our social circle or society. Take time to identify a limiting belief that could be holding you back in any number of areas of your life.
Step 2 👉 challenge it!
It’s time to ask yourself some questions here.
What is the real evidence for the thought? Is it an actual fact or a fear? Have you always thought this way? Would someone you admire think the same way as you do?
Step 3 👉 analyse the potential impact!
Can you consider the consequences of this limiting belief? What’s it stopping you from doing, feeling, saying? In what ways does it manifest daily? Where could you be right now without it? What incredible changes might you make in your life if you let go of that belief?
Step 4 👉 replace it!
Yup, that’s right. Find a new belief that feels much more appropriate, healthy and plausible than the one that’s been chaining you to those feelings of doom or negativity. Instead of “I’m so stupid, I’ll never get better at this”, perhaps “I can achieve most things with practice, and I’m worth the effort”
Step 5 👉 use it!
A lot
Of course, some limiting beliefs are incredibly deep rooted, or perhaps born out of trauma. In these instances you might seek a little professional help to work through them, contextualise them, move past them.
If in doubt, just remember… they’re just thoughts, not facts, and life might be a whole lot better without them.