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Switch your mind...

Writer's picture: Amanda RoweAmanda Rowe

Today’s blog is a build on last weeks, as I’ve had a number of questions about how exactly you can change your thinking to a more positive path.

Maybe you’ve noticed that you’re “catastrophising“ more; dwelling on the worst possible outcome to scenarios rather than the best outcomes. This might take the form of being convinced guests won’t enjoy the meal you’ve prepared, through to becoming anxious that a loved one‘s journey home may end in tragedy..... and everything in between.

we are not in control of outside influences

we ARE in control of our mind, behaviours and actions

Remember, 95% of what we worry about, doesn’t happen

Clients will often tell me they can’t stop the negative thoughts, that they feel exhausted with worry, are sleeping badly and cannot stop the unhealthy thought patterns. This can feel overwhelming, but as with all things we wish to change, persistence is key. It takes approximately 6 weeks to change a habit, so that it becomes your “normal” response, but the benefits can be realised first time you practise the new technique.

I find that picturing the preferred outcome creates the greatest success. We tend to be visual creatures, so this can be an extremely effective way to focus our thoughts.

We tend to recognise negative thought patterns, even though we may have become used to them, so as soon as this happens, create a vivid image of your preferred outcome. Using the example from earlier, if you‘re preparing dinner for friends and notice thoughts creeping in such as “I bet they don’t like the food I’ve prepared“....”they’ll probably say it was awful when they get home”, create a vivid image of what you want to happen. Maybe this involves everyone smiling, eating, talking, complimenting the evening. How does this help? Well for starters it will interrupt your negative thought patterns, secondly, it will focus your mind on how to achieve that positive outcome. Without much effort you have moved from spiralling negative thoughts to positive solution thinking. Think about how this can help in the workplace too. I frequently talk to people about their work related anxieties; presenting in meetings, raising difficult questions with the boss, cutting through the ego and noise of colleagues. Negative thoughts about how these scenarios might play out, can create additional pressure that leads to unnecessary work related stress and anxiety. You are capable of changing the narrative, easing your mind, feeling better.

Create a great new habit today. The habit of positive thinking. Bringing long term relief to your emotional health. Any questions, please get in touch.

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